PPS97-98 - Section 1 Course Material

Dave Houldershaw (pps2@mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk)
Mon, 20 Oct 1997 18:12:44 +0100

Hi Folks,
Welcome to the course. The first section of the course material
has now been released and it can be found at
http://pps98.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/ppscore/section1/index.shtml . You will
need a userid and password to access the material and should receive
them in a seperate email - if you don't receive them then please contact
me immediately.

This first section of the course is to make sure you are all familar
with the internet and to give you a quick overview of the various
functions of proteins. It is also to give you time to download and
begin to get familiar with RasMol and Kinemage - both of these programs
are used heavily within the course from section 2 onwards. If you have
problems/questions about these programs then please mail the Technical
list (pps97-98-technical@mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk). Details about both
these programs can be found in the technology pages -

Also we would like you to register and get familiar with BioMoo, again
please look in the technology page to find out more.

Thats all for now, if you have any questions then please don't hesitate
to contact me,

Dave Houldershaw,
PPS97-98 Tech. Coord.